Father of Father
Father of Mother
Mother of Father
Mother of Mother
Father Sibling
3956 - Muzaffar Hussain Qureshi Edit
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3957 - Mahmood Hussain Edit
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3958 - Munawar Hussain Qureshi Edit
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Mother Sibling
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3967 - Khalid Mahmood Edit
3966 - Qaiser Mahmood Edit
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3965 - Mahmood Ahmad Edit
3968 - Masood Ahmad Edit
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3955 - Muhammad Arshad Qureshi Edit
3960 - Faisal Maqsood Edit
3961 - Imran Maqsood Edit
3962 - Amir Maqsood Edit
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3964 - Irfan Maqsood Edit
3963 - Kamran Maqsood Edit
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4039 - Fraz Amjad Edit
4040 - Abdul Rehman Amjad Edit
4094 - Abdullah Amjad Edit